Thursday, September 4, 2008

Guess Who's Arrived!?!?!?!?!?!

Hubby Jacob has arrived!!  Let the tom-foolery and Japan shenanigans (Japanigans, if you will...) begin!!


Mexicancatdance said...

Hi to both of you!

I was browsing the JET program page site and ran across this sage advice in an article/post about classroom management:

"When children are not paying attention and chatting animatedly whilst you are speaking, stop speaking and simply stare straight at the back of the classroom. Do not look at the problem children. The class will soon pick up that you aren’t teaching any longer and wonder what is going on. Just as quickly, they will figure out who is causing the problem, and they will tell them to shut up for you. Hopefully, someone will use violence against the offending parties. Be sure to thank them for their help and then continue on with the lesson."

Anonymous said...

YEA!!! Jacob has arrived! He looks a little like a giant in that small doorway!